A trend worthy of celebration is the steady increase in the awareness of mental health issues — along with the move away from stigmatizing those who confront their issues. One example that parents in particular may recognize is the regular discussion of attention...
Feeling Down Around The Holidays – Or Simply Stressed?
Ready or not, here they come: the Holidays. These are days that are going to be filled with joy and excitement… except when they’re not. So, what’s going on here? Actually, it could be plain old stress caused by too much to do in too little time, or maybe unrealistic...
Here Come The Holidays – Breathe!
Yes, for many people this really is the most wonderful time of the year. But, as with so many wonderful things, there is a cost associated with them. With the holidays that cost is measured in stress, and that stress is multiplied because those days of celebration...
Timely Tips For Dealing With Holiday Stress
Talk about mixed blessings. The holidays can be times of joyful gatherings with loved ones, reunions with old friends and delicious feasts. They can also be days and nights filled with stress and anxiety, dreading everything from confrontations with unpleasant...
The Mark Of Machiavelli
Poor old Niccolo Machiavelli. There he was, a political philosopher toiling away in 16th century Florence, developing high-minded theories and writing The Prince — all the while blissfully unaware that he was doomed to have his name become synonymous with immoral...
Great Conversations Begin With Questions
Individual Counseling Insights From Westlake Village-Based Patricia McTague-Loft When most people enter a conversation, they typically talk about something that’s appropriate to the nature of the relationship. You make small talk with strangers or acquaintances, catch...
Yes, You Can Learn To Communicate More Eloquently
Individual Counseling Insights From Westlake Village-Based Patricia McTague-Loft Have you ever enjoyed a presentation where the speaker was absolutely enthralling? Maybe it was a TED talk, or a fascinating scientific presentation at a local university or perhaps a...
Three Ways To Gently Change Someone’s Mind
Individual Counseling Insights From Westlake Village-Based Patricia McTague-Loft If you care passionately about a subject, you probably take the time to learn all about it. To take a lighthearted example, maybe you care deeply about the revolution going on in college...
The Upside Of Holding Yourself Accountable
Individual Counseling Insights From Westlake Village-Based Patricia McTague-Loft It may be wishful thinking, but it seems there was a time when American politicians were willing to take responsibility for their actions — when they held themselves accountable to the...
The Science Behind The Art Of Conversation
Individual Counseling Insights From Westlake Village-Based Patricia McTague-Loft People initiate all kinds of conversations, usually with the expectation (even if unconsciously) that the conversation will be non-confrontational if not outright pleasant. The...