Marriage — And The Facts Of Life

By the time someone reaches an age where they’re ready for a long-term romantic relationship, they’ve probably developed a basic outlook on life. They’re inclined to be either more of an optimist or more of a pessimist. Experience and natural temperament mold a...

An Orchestra In Harmony With All

The times they are a-changin’… and thank goodness for that. Not too very long ago, many groups of people lived outside the mainstream of society, whether by choice or not. Today, people cheer on paralympic athletes while organizations such as the United States Blind...

Is Juggling Life’s Demands Burning You Out?

Isn’t it nice that with all the advances in technology helping us in our everyday lives, we no longer have to worry about all those things that stressed out previous generations? We no longer have to fret about pressure to perform at work. Striking the proper...

Modern Boundaries For Modern Times

If you are lucky enough to have had grandparents or parents who had a loving, stable long-term marriage, do you ever wish you had taken the time to have more (or any) serious conversations about their relationship? It is the rare young person — especially in the...

Sparking Meaningful Conversations With Kids

What's the nicest thing anyone ever said to you when you were a kid? If you're like most people, you'd probably reflect on a loving memory of a parent, or perhaps a teacher, praising you or simply saying I love you at a particularly impactful moment. The flip side is...

Think Before You Speak

As most any parent can tell you, calling up advice that you remember your parents giving you can be strangely comforting. Those little rules of the road — actions speak louder than words, look before you leap! — are intuitively packed with common sense and wisdom. As...