As most any parent can tell you, calling up advice that you remember your parents giving you can be strangely comforting. Those little rules of the road — actions speak louder than words, look before you leap! — are intuitively packed with common sense and wisdom. As...
Healthy Relationships — Healthy Body
One of the wonderful side effects of a nice dinner with a loved one or an intimate conversation or time spent together on a beach watching a glorious sunset (the list of delightful examples goes on and on!) is the deep sense of peace that follows. You may notice it as...
The Power Of Asking The Right Questions
Have you every listened to an experienced teacher speak passionately about their proper role as an educator? “Our goal is not to tell our kids what to think — it’s to teach them how to think.” Most parents would probably agree with that sentiment, especially at...
The Insidious Effects Of Emotional Abuse
If you’re in a fulfilling long-term romantic relationship. you probably don’t spend a lot of time asking yourself — why is everything just so right? If only that were the case when the relationship is not so fulfilling. Then the tendency is to be constantly nagged by...
Here’s A Wonderful Addition To Your To-Do List
OK, how about this for a pleasant little exercise: Remember a couple of the peak experiences of your life. Maybe it was skiing in the French Alps. Or your honeymoon in Fiji. Now imagine the peak experiences you enjoy on a more regular basis. Dinner at your favorite...
How To Deal With Those Storm Clouds Coming
Are those storm clouds on the horizon? If we’re talking about the weather and you know your area pretty well, then you can probably tell when a little rain or maybe some thunder and lightning are coming. If we’re talking metaphorically, you may also be able to tell...
How To Grow By Letting Go
Have you ever wondered about your daily routine? We’re not just talking about having a cup of coffee at 8:00 am or walking the dog mid-afternoon. There’s a fine line between a routine and a habit. Habits are indeed powerful determinants of your everyday behavior — and...
The Subtle Complexity — And Joy! — Of Deep Conversations
When you go to the grocery store and exchange a pleasantry or two as you check out — have a nice day! — you probably don’t go home and tell your family what a great conversation you had at the market. Great conversations don’t occur just because you’re talking. And...
Getting Serious With Someone? Predictive Signs You Should Watch For.
In most life situations, we’re rarely presented with clear-cut choices — obviously good or bad, right or wrong. When a choice is undoubtedly good or bad, it ironically makes your decision really easy. In relationships, we get a little guidance from something called...
Conversation: The Foundation For A Thriving Relationship
For many people, having a healthy attitude about life means that you regularly take stock of your goals and whether or not you’re making progress in achieving them. In your personal life that might involve having a regular exercise routine. You commit to a few days at...