An Orchestra In Harmony With All

The times they are a-changin’… and thank goodness for that. Not too very long ago, many groups of people lived outside the mainstream of society, whether by choice or not. Today, people cheer on paralympic athletes while organizations such as the United States Blind...

Is Juggling Life’s Demands Burning You Out?

Isn’t it nice that with all the advances in technology helping us in our everyday lives, we no longer have to worry about all those things that stressed out previous generations? We no longer have to fret about pressure to perform at work. Striking the proper...

Healthy Relationships — Healthy Body

One of the wonderful side effects of a nice dinner with a loved one or an intimate conversation or time spent together on a beach watching a glorious sunset (the list of delightful examples goes on and on!) is the deep sense of peace that follows. You may notice it as...

How To Deal With Those Storm Clouds Coming

Are those storm clouds on the horizon? If we’re talking about the weather and you know your area pretty well, then you can probably tell when a little rain or maybe some thunder and lightning are coming. If we’re talking metaphorically, you may also be able to tell...

How To Grow By Letting Go

Have you ever wondered about your daily routine? We’re not just talking about having a cup of coffee at 8:00 am or walking the dog mid-afternoon. There’s a fine line between a routine and a habit. Habits are indeed powerful determinants of your everyday behavior — and...