Anxiety Symptoms in Children

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. Okay, just to put things in perspective, it’s been about 18 months since the pandemic forced everything from masking to online schooling at home. For a six-year-old, that’s a...

Eight Essential Conversations

Marriage Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. Is there a secret to turning your long-term romantic relationship into an amazing love story? This is an intriguing question for young couples with their lives ahead of them....

ADD: More Complex Than You May Have Imagined

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. Have you heard of Dr. Daniel Amen? He’s an MD, child and adult psychiatrist, nuclear brain imaging specialist and New York Times bestselling author. In particular, he’s...

Sticks and Stones

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me.” Well, turns out the old children’s rhyme is sadly not true. Words — when used in an abusive manner — can...