Marriage Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. A lot of good things happen during the infatuation stage of a relationship. When you spend time with someone you’ve fallen in love with, your brain rewards you by releasing...
Suffering From Covid Shame?
Individual Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. As if coming down with Covid weren’t bad enough, a lot of people are feeling something else along with their physical ailments — shame. Especially for people who felt like...
Gen Z: Enduring A Pandemic Experience All Their Own
Family Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. Think back two years ago to the start of the pandemic and you may remember a sentiment that quickly began circulating: We’re all in this together. Although that is indeed true,...
How To Keep Pandemic News From Overwhelming You
Individual Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. It’s easy if also painful to measure one aspect of the misery that the pandemic has spread across America over the last two years: by counting the number of lives lost. But...
Don’t Worry, Be Happy. Really?
Individual Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. When things aren’t looking so peachy, many people respond with what may seem like helpful advice. Look on the bright side. Count your blessings. Keep a positive thought. But...
Can You Spot An Emotionally Intelligent Person?
Individual Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. In the wonderful Disney film, Inside Out, the plot revolves around five emotions running the minds of the people they inhabit. The emotions are joy, sadness, anger, fear and...
Breaking Bad Habits — Creating Good Ones
Individual Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. It’s mid-January and statistics say that by now nearly half of us have broken our New Year’s resolutions. Really? What went wrong? Although many people might think it’s a...
Have You Heard Of CBT?
Individual Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. CBT is “cognitive behavioral therapy.” Recent studies indicate that it just may be the most effective form of psychotherapy currently in practice. Writing for Healthline,...
Is It Possible To Find The Perfect Relationship?
Marriage Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. In the United States and other Western European countries, society once had rigid rules. Men, women and children had certain roles, responsibilities and duties. People knew...
The Number One Predictor Of Divorce
Marriage Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc. It’s fair to say that very few people plan to get divorced as they’re getting married. Wouldn’t it be nice, then, if there were some way to predict who might be likely to get...