Teens and Alcohol — A Volatile Mix

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by Patricia McTague-Loft Like it not, and whether you personally drink alcohol or not, the presence of alcohol is virtually unavoidable. In advertising, in TV shows and movies, not to mention in real-life social situations,...

How To Destress Around the Holidays

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by Patricia McTague-Loft Ah, where to begin? Do you have everything in order for the holidays – shopping done, menu set for a wonderful family dinner and all groceries purchased, Christmas or Holiday cards mailed, New Year’s...

Respect – The Canary In The Coal Mine

Marriage Counseling Insights From Westlake Village-Based Patricia McTague-Loft People are romantically attracted to someone for a variety of reasons. It could be basic physical attraction or a more analytical conclusion that they “check all the boxes.” (See What Are...

What To Do About The Worst Kind Of Lying

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by Patricia McTague-Loft A human’s unique ability to speak (in contrast to other forms of communication) is fascinatingly complex. We form thoughts into words so instinctively that we don’t really need to analyze the...