Is Juggling Life’s Demands Burning You Out?

Isn’t it nice that with all the advances in technology helping us in our everyday lives, we no longer have to worry about all those things that stressed out previous generations? We no longer have to fret about pressure to perform at work. Striking the proper work-life balance. Being a wonderful parent expert at both nurturing and disciplining. Finding plenty of time for exercise and recreation. Having the energy for our romantic relationship.

Ha! If anything, technology has added more to stress out about. Are my kids having too much screen time? Am I having too much screen time? Is this email a scam filled with malware?

No, stress unfortunately seems to be part of the human condition. To protect our mental well-being, the best path forward is learning how to cope with the conditions that are stressing you out — indeed, conditions that may be leading you to burnout.

A good first step in determining if you’re coping well with stressful conditions is figuring out if you’re on your way to burning out. To help with this evaluation, Newport Healthcare has created a “Burnout Quiz.”  “This quiz is for anyone who feels like they might be approaching burnout and wants to assess their stress levels,” writes Sanjana Gupta for Newport Healthcare. “It is based on the definition and description of burnout outlined by the American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization.”

Should you take the quiz? If you answer yes to more than a few of the questions below, it may be advisable to set aside a little quiet time and take the quiz, which appears on the website It’s short and to the point. Although it takes just a minute or two to answer the questions, the real value is in taking some time to reflect on how you can make any lifestyle changes that you think may help your peace of mind.

Here are some questions to ask yourself in preparation for the quiz:

  • Are you overwhelmed with life?
  • Are you exhausted, either mentally or physically?
  • Is your productivity declining?
  • Is your motivation about your work or life in general lacking?
  • Do you feel like you just want to get away from it all?
  • Would your family or friends describe you as downbeat lately?
  • Does happiness with your life seem elusive?
  • Do you get irritated easily?
  • Do you have trouble concentrating?
  • Is it tough to get a good night’s sleep?
  • Are you eating too much, or too little?
  • Is your body telling you something — headaches, an upset stomach?

Wondering if your “Yes” answers to a few of these questions means you’re getting close to burning out?

Take the quiz here.