Fighting With Your Spouse? You’re Not Alone.

Marriage Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc.

The old joke about spouses entering retirement is that they signed up for life, but not for lunch. It’s a bit of humor that draws on the insight that spending too much time with anyone — even somebody you love dearly — can create a tension all its own.

Enter the pandemic. Now we work from home, manage our kids’ online learning, turn to Zoom happy hours — all in close contact sometimes 24/7 with your spouse. What could go wrong? As we’re finding out — plenty.

 A couple with marital issues

Kelsey Borresen, writing for the Huffington Post, cites experts in the field, saying “Maybe you’ve found yourself flipping out on your partner over a pile of dishes in the sink. That strong reaction may have less to do with the messy kitchen itself and more to do with mounting pandemic-related stress you’ve been trying to suppress.”

What are the leading causes of stress that couples are dealing with during the pandemic? See if these issues sound familiar:

  • Finances
  • Risk-taking
  • Lack of alone time
  • In-person schooling (or not) for the kids
  • Support from your partner
  • The blame game

Want to read more about each of these issues? Get the full story here.