By the time someone reaches an age where they’re ready for a long-term romantic relationship, they’ve probably developed a basic outlook on life. They’re inclined to be either more of an optimist or more of a pessimist. Experience and natural temperament mold a...
Modern Boundaries For Modern Times
If you are lucky enough to have had grandparents or parents who had a loving, stable long-term marriage, do you ever wish you had taken the time to have more (or any) serious conversations about their relationship? It is the rare young person — especially in the...
Think Before You Speak
As most any parent can tell you, calling up advice that you remember your parents giving you can be strangely comforting. Those little rules of the road — actions speak louder than words, look before you leap! — are intuitively packed with common sense and wisdom. As...
Here’s A Wonderful Addition To Your To-Do List
OK, how about this for a pleasant little exercise: Remember a couple of the peak experiences of your life. Maybe it was skiing in the French Alps. Or your honeymoon in Fiji. Now imagine the peak experiences you enjoy on a more regular basis. Dinner at your favorite...
Getting Serious With Someone? Predictive Signs You Should Watch For.
In most life situations, we’re rarely presented with clear-cut choices — obviously good or bad, right or wrong. When a choice is undoubtedly good or bad, it ironically makes your decision really easy. In relationships, we get a little guidance from something called...
Conversation: The Foundation For A Thriving Relationship
For many people, having a healthy attitude about life means that you regularly take stock of your goals and whether or not you’re making progress in achieving them. In your personal life that might involve having a regular exercise routine. You commit to a few days at...
A Crystal Ball For Your Relationship
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a crystal ball that unerringly predicted the future. It might be especially valuable when you first begin dating someone. Is this the one, oh crystal ball, who will joyfully be my lifetime partner? Well, it’s not a crystal ball, but a...
Is This Just The Calm Before The Storm?
Sometimes there comes a period in a long-term relationship where everything seems fine and there’s genuine peace in the household. But as they used to say in the movies, it’s quiet out there… too quiet. Is this just the calm before the storm? Or, on the contrary,...
Questions To Light Up Your Relationship
Getting to know another person can be tricky business. That’s especially true with young people who are just beginning to date. However, as many a person in a long-term relationship will attest, it can also be a challenge even in a mature relationship. One of the keys...
First-Date Questions You Won’t Regret
Meeting someone for a first date can be simultaneously thrilling and nerve-wracking. Even if you're acquainted with someone through work or a club, or maybe you’ve made a connection through a dating service, meeting in person for coffee or a drink with the explicit...