Books To Ease Your Kids’ Anxiety

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc.

It’s a fair guess that back in March of last year not many people would have predicted we’d enter 2021 struggling with another surge in the pandemic and further shelter-in-place orders. Maybe that’s a bit of a blessing. How many people would have said, “That’s fine, I can ‘socially distance’ for a year or so no problem.”

Mom reading to her kids

The toll it’s taken on everyone is practically palpable. Sara Darnell, writing for the Children’s Book Association, notes that it’s not just adults feeling the stress. “Psychologists everywhere have noticed an uptick in children experiencing anxiety, stress, confusion, and other issues that have come as a result of 2020. We should note that these are completely normal things for children to experience, but what is the best way to work through these feelings? Many psychologists have turned to children’s books to teach young readers how to deal with their emotions.”

Darnell then goes on to offer a list of 10 children’s books recommended by psychologists, including titles such as “A Mother’s Love” and “A Friend Is Someone Who.” If you have children in your life, please check out these valuable resources that will help comfort them in these trying times.

Check out the full list of psychologist-recommended children’s books here.