Better Than Speed Reading

Individual Counseling Insights From Westlake Village-Based Patricia McTague-Loft

Do you remember Reader’s Digest Magazine? Decades ago you could find it on the racks of nearly every grocery store checkout aisle. The Digest is actually still around, but in the digital world we live in now, it may not be quite the staple of everyday life that it once was.

The Digest’s concept, though, is solid: summarize contemporary books in a concise, well-written package and let busy people quickly keep up with the latest publications.

Now there’s an app that executes the concept pretty well: Blinkist Magazine — The company offers quick synopses of nonfiction books and packages them in quick bites that you can read or listen to in about 15 minutes.

Here’s a sample of five self-improvement books they’ve recently published. Read the descriptions below; if any of these titles strike you as worthy of a full read, we’ve also included links to the books on Amazon.

Happy reading/listening!

Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

By Amy Morin

It’s easy to say that we learn more through our failures than our successes, but it’s hard to turn that belief into a positive. The problem is that we often tend to dwell on our setbacks. Amy Morin offers advice for successfully moving on.

Less Doing, More Living

By Ari Meisel

Abundant research points to the fact that computerization has actually led many people to be busier at work because they are now capable of handling tasks that were once delegated (scheduling, leading online meetings etc.). Meisel offers nine fundamental steps for completing tasks more time efficiently, which leads to — you guessed it — more time for yourself.

How Will You Measure Your Life?

By Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon

A rather famous poem, The Dash, begins with the typical inscription on a headstone: birth and death dates separated by a dash. The poem offers the insight that the significance of a life is what happened in the time between birth and death dates — the lifetime encapsulated by a dash. The authors focus on the value of finding a balance between career success and attention to family and friends.

Finding Your Element

The idea here is simple: everyone has an element, which you can think of as being synonymous with passion. You may not know what your true passion is, which means you do not know what your true calling in life is. Robinson describes how to dig deep to make that discovery.

Emotional Intelligence

By Daniel Goleman

Emotions are wonderful. They can instill everyday living with excitement and surprise. But emotions can also affect rational thought. Goleman explains how you can enjoy your emotions and also reign them in when necessary.