8 Ways Teachers Can Help Students In These Strange Times

Family Counseling Insights brought to you by California Psychotherapeutic Resources, Inc.

It’s no secret that schoolchildren across the country are experiencing varying levels of success with online learning. One key to successful learning is teacher involvement and expertise — no surprise there. “Now more than ever, teachers are an important part of facilitating student learning, well-being, and growth,” according to an article on the website of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Children are responding to our extraordinary circumstances in a variety of ways, many of them negative. “Across a multitude of situations,” according to the APA, “students may respond to the crises that they have experienced by showing abrupt changes in personal hygiene, sleep routines, weight, school performance, mood, disruptive behavior, and/or participation in activities.”

But there is also good news. There are concrete ways that teachers can support children and not only improve their learning skills but also positively affect their state of mind. Here are eight tips for teachers to consider when communicating with their students.